Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Condominium Tower Development at West End

Large scale condominium development was growing rapidly near the marinas even before the hurricane, do you support the further development of large condo towers? If so, would you support condo development on the footprint of the old parking lot for Jaeger's and the Dock? What about along West End Park? What about somewhere on the grounds of the Orleans Marina?

Jay Batt - Jennifer Sneed and myself worked with the RPC and received a grant from Smartgrowth for a Master Plan by NY Associates re these issues. The initial stage of master plan was submitted at a charette 2 weeks ago.The main goal is to create, with the direct involvement of key participants such as yourselves, a family-friendly space that will address all these issues in a comprehensive, all-inclusive manner. Some of the area is, of course, in the purview of Jefferson Parish, and I have established a good working relationship with Jennifer Sneed in working together to protect the interests of the boating and water communities.

Sonia Gupta - I do not support any further condominium development along any portions of the lakeshore. Firstly, I think that such development detracts immensely from the beauty of our lakeshore. Secondly, it only furthers the interests of a select few individuals who are either property developers or owners of such condos. The lakeshore area ought to be a public space that promotes the enjoyment of all our citizens and that supports small-businesses that cater to such an environment. I adored the restaurants on the shore and I'm sorry to see that they have suffered so much damage. They added a lot to the ambience of the area. I don't see how condos could ever add any ambiance. They will block the sunlight from residents who live in historic housing along the lake and are, to put it simply, quite ugly. There are plenty of other places in the area where condos might be suitable and I simply cannot agree with anyone who believes that our lake is one of those areas. I will support only projects that benefit everyone in the city (restaurants, cafes, docks, picnic areas) and can't see any condominium ever providing such benefits. Furthermore, the land available around the lakeshore is limited and I cannot support putting such limited space to inferior private use.

Ray Landeche - NO! In fact we should re-consider the size and scope of the currently approved third tower (L'Ultime) on Lake Marina Drive. All future developments should be more in character to its surroundings and the historical use of the West End area. As the only candidate to attend the March 10 & 11, 2006 West End redevelopment meetings, it is clear that the current landowners are concerned about over development of this area.

David Nowak - From what I saw, the condos looked to be in good shape and providing much needed housing. However, I wouldn't like to see expansion replace areas along West End Park or anywhere on the grounds of the Orleans Marina.

Stephen Saussy - Large Scale, NO. Condominium Development, Yes.

Candidates Shelly Stephenson Midura, Sal Palmisano & Tom Wagner did not provide an answer to this question.


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